Thursday, June 30, 2011

Random, Randomness, Jake Gyllenhaal and a Velociraptor. I Think I'm in Love.

Conversational Tangents. I'm famous for them. Whenever I talk to my friends I tend to go off on the weirdest tangents. Now that I think about it all of my friends go off on the strangest tangents. We'll talk about one thing for a few moments and then just bring up something completely random. And then after that moment of randomness is over and we want to get back to the original conversation it takes us a while to remember what the hell we were talking about because the conversational tangent was so freaking random.

I don't think the word random has ever been used so much in a single utterance.... Random.

It makes me feel like I have a bad memory and I have an early onset of Alzheimer's. Because Alzheimer's totally runs in my family and it's one of my greatest fears to grow old and not be able to remember anything, like the old lady in "The Notebook". I won't be able to remember who I am, what I accomplished in my life, who my kids are, who my husband is. And then what would be the purpose of living if I'm just going to forget it in a couple of minutes? I suppose living for the moment? But how could I live in the moment if I don't even know who I am? But I digress... And do you see what I mean? I mean do you know just how much effort it takes me to just stay on topic for this blog?

It can't be normal how easily I get side tracked with things. And it's not just conversations that I get side tracked in. Whenever I browse the Internet or YouTube, I always seem to deviate from the originally searched item, or video.

For example, one day I decided, hmmm... I really like me some Jake Gyllenhaal, I'm gonna look him up to see what other movies he was in. Wikipedia, sure I love wikipedia *click*. Oh "Love and Other Drugs" I love that movie. Who the hell was the dude who played the brother, he was funny *click*. Oh he was in the broadway musical "25th Annual Putnam County Fair" oh cool, I totally love that musical. And he was also in this other play called "The Book of Mormon" oh cool *click*. The creators of that play is the same people who did "Avenue Q" cool. I love that musical too *click*. Oh my gosh I love the song "The Internet is for Porn" from AveQ, what are the lyrics to that again. Oh yeah, here they are. What was I on the Internet again for?

I mean thank god for a back history button on the freaking Internet browser, because if not I wouldn't be able to keep track of what the hell I was originally searching for. Especially if it's something important. Like for research papers, those are the worse. It's cause I have self diagnosed ADD. I can never really focus on the task in front of me.

But, like I was saying earlier, the worse tangents are conversational ones with my friends. A very good example of me having conversational tangents are with my friends when I'm on the phone. I don't know why, but random thoughts always seem to pop into my mind. A good example was of me and my friend, we started talking about dreams, then about giant squids, then randomly talking about velociraptors. It gets to the point where we have fun just tracking how we came to a certain point in our conversations. Sometimes it takes us a while. Because unfortunately my conversations do not have a back history button.

If you can logically make out the path my friend and I took that lead to that conversation I"ll give the first person who gets it right a little something something. Because lord knows that it took us a couple of minutes to figure out where we went in that conversational journey.

But in all honesty, I don't think my conversations, or life for that matter, would be as interesting as it is if they weren't for my weird tangents.

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