Friday, April 29, 2011

A Deep Love Confession... My Love For Coffee.

Dear Coffee,

I love you. Especially when you're mixed with cream. And sometimes sugar. I love your hot creamy bitterness and there is no other way I would want to start my day. I love you with a breakfast sandwich. I love you with a sweet pastry. I love you over ice or even blended with ice. I love when you are turned into ice cream and I especially love when you are baked into something like a brownie or a cake. With you, my day is worth living. With you in my life, I can do anything I put my mind to.

Without you I am nothing. Without you my life is incomplete. without you I quake and shake, because it is your absence that makes me quiver with my longing for you. Many may say my trembling is a sign of my withdrawals from your wonderful caffeine, but I know it's from the withdrawals of your love in my system. Your love keeps me awake at night with all sorts of mind numbing thoughts. And then in the morning when I wake up groggy and tired, you are there to lift my spirits and perk me up for the rest of my day. You are like my elixir of life and I know I couldn't possibly live without you.

I remember the first time we crossed paths, we didn't really agree. I remember thinking I was never going to like you. But like loves that run deep my attraction to you grew over time. Our paths continued to cross and I grew to love you. And this love, this love has evolved over time. My love that was once just a simple trickle of water is now a fast running river. It is as wide as it is deep, and ever flowing. This, my love for you.

I know I've tried quiting you before. And it was all a mistake. Every time I think I'll move on to something new, like green tea or even juice, I know it's just a silly little phase and I know I'll come running back to you like the prodigal son. I can never deny you no matter how hard I try. Because who can live up to your greatness, your goodness. Living without you in my system is not really living.

Oh Coffee, as I currently sip on your wonderful juices, I know that I will never deny my cravings for you ever again. I love you, and I know you love me back. May I never go a day without you! Oh Coffee you wonderful, wonderful drink! Hear my praise, for I love you, and as long as I live, you will always and forever be a part of my life.

As the beautiful Olivia Newton-John said "I love you, I honestly love you." And as the great Ke$ha says "your love, your love, your love, is my drug." and then as Simple Plan says "I'm addict, I'm addicted to you." And as the true addict Amy Winehouse says "they tried to make me go to rehab, but I said 'no, no, no'." But I digress. In short, I love you.

The deepest and most sincere love,
Me <3.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Diagonal Cutting and Bendy Straws. Are These Signs of Food OCD?

Recently, like 10 minutes ago, I think I've come to realize some of my ridiculous habits. Some would say they aren't just cute little habits, but actual factual unhealthy obsessive tendencies. Okay I don't really know how actual factual they are, but they seem pretty legit to me. And they aren't even practical things like how to wash dishes,or how I fold my laundry, because I hate folding my laundry, and I will put off folding my laundry, most of the times until I wear said article of clothing. They are things like how I like to cut my sandwiches and how I like to drink my drinks.

I mean really, how practical is it that I physically can not bring my self to cut my sandwich down the center. I mean quite literally today I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich and I thought to myself, hey try something new and cut your sandwich down the center. Come on, you can do it. Maybe the sandwich will taste better this way, or maybe it won't even matter. And right as I was about to cut it down the center I physically couldn't bring my self to cut the damn sandwich and ended up just cutting my grill cheese diagonally. How much of a freak am I where I can only cut my sandwich diagonally? Don't answer that. It's almost to the point where if someone gave me a sandwich that was cut down the center I am less inclined to eat it.

Also today I realized that I enjoy drinks much more if I'm drinking it with a straw. Now don't get me wrong I am an absolute drink monster. What ever drink you put in front of me, be it water, juice, coffee, milk, whatevers, I drink it all up and then some. No matter how thirsty I am, or how not thirsty I am, I constantly drink from my glass or cup. and then if I run out of drink I'll start eatting the ice. However, if you put a straw in that drink, I am on it like a barnacle to a humpback whale. My drink is drunk at least ten times faster than normal, and that's pretry quick. I mean drinks taste so much better when you drink with a straw. There is just something about a straw where it instantly makes my drink more enjoyable.

And don't even get me started about bendy straws. I mean the bendy straws make drinking beverages even MORE fun, if that's even a thing. I suck up my drink like a crazy drinking vacuum, and there is no possible way anyone could refill my drink fast enough when I'm drinking with a bendy straw.

Now that I think about it, there are very specific ways I like to eat my food too. Not just the cutting of my sandwiches, but like in what order I eat things. For example if I have a plate of chicken salad, I will cut up most of my chicken into bit sized pieces before I even start eatting. Or if I have a waffle or pancake, I'll cut it into fourths then cut up one section of the waffle or pancake into bit sized pieces and then start to consume my food. Also, it is almost impossible for me to have a vanilla milkshake with out a side order of french fries. I mean there is a very specific way I like to eat my food and there is no possible way I can eat my food any other way.

In my 10 minute realization I think that I've come to realize I can be absolutely ridiculous, and perhaps somewhat psychotic when it comes to random shit like this. I mean I know everyone has their qurks, but honestly, how freaky am I? You know what don't answer that one either, I think I know how much of a freak I am already. and I know some of you are thinking come on these are clear signs of OCD, but like I said earlier, I don't even folding laundry sometimes so clearly I do not have OCD.

Maybe I have some kind of weird type of food OCD.

*sigh* story of my life.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Taking it to the Extreme! *HELLS TO THE YEAH*

I'm not sure if any of you have seen this on tv but I'm obsessed with this new show on TLC called "Extreme Couponing". I mean the title basically says it all... People take couponing to an EXTREME! *background explodes, the couponers defend their stock piles by crossing their arms across their chest, and looking like they mean business. TLC has taken advantage of these poor people once again as the masses of America eat up yet another cheap reality show* These people save up to 98% on their groceries just because they clip out like a billion coupons! I mean to these people it's like some sort of sick game where they buy loads of stuff and then they pay little to nothing for it all. And most of the times they don't even need some of the things they buy. I saw this one lady buy a bunch of antacid just because she was getting each bottle for like 49 cents. She said she didn't even need it, she just couldn't pass up on a good deal.

These people are obviously freaking crazy. They are so obsessed with clipping the coupons and going on the Internet to check out shopping deals. They wrangle their kids into clipping out hundreds coupons, like little sweat shop children, and then they have complex coupon organizing folders based on expiration date and product. They spend hours planning out their game plan and even plan how they are going to check out at the register. These people live and breath couponing. And I'm not gonna lie... I'm kinda jealous. I'm jealous because these people are saving so much god damn money! Do you know how much money a poor college student has? Like close to zero. Do you know how much these people pay for their groceries? Like close to zero. So it would make perfect sense for me, a poor college student, to take this up as my new obsession.

Not only do I need to take this up as my new obsession because of the obvious money saving reasons, but I need to take it up for the sheer fact that these people can't beat me on the fact that they are more obsessed with something. I mean I'm the queen of obsessive tendencies, how can these people be more "extreme" than me? I mean just look at me, I'm obsessing over obsessiveness! Seriously, these bitches think they can be more extreme than me... Not if I can help it.

So I took it upon my self to look up on how to "extreme" coupon. And you know what there really is a crap load of information on the web dedicated to couponing. It really isn't too difficult if you want to put the actual time into it. But do I really want to put my time into this, now knowing that I'm totally capable of executing the "extreme" couponing? No... But at the same time do I want to save money and show those bitches that I too can save me some money? HELL YEAH I DO!

I think there's another new theme coming into play on this blog... The duality of my "extreme" obsessiveness versus my "extreme" laziness. I think this might possibly be signs of a crazy person... True colors people, true colors.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

"It Was Like an Orgasm in My Mouth!"

I'm going through a Mexican phase. I'm constantly craving the goodness that is Mexican. From twelve in the morning or even six at night, I'll be wanting some good Mexican. And before I get ahead of myself, I mean Mexican FOOD. You dirty minded people... Anyways... Yes, I've been on a Mexican food binge, and I can't get over my craving for Spanish rice and beans!

It's gotten to the point where I'll just suddenly get the strongest cravings out of nowhere. I'll be doing laundry, doing the dishes, driving in my car and I'll suddenly be craving Mexican rice and beans. And it's not just every once in a while either, it's like every other day. I don't even know why I crave it so often, but I do. And the strangest thing is until recently I haven't really been the biggest Mexican food fan.

When I was little my parents never took me to eat Mexican food, so I never really grew up knowing what Mexican food was all about. The closest thing I got to Mexican food were bean burittos and nachos at school. In high school my friend took me out to a Mexican resturaunt and I had no idea what to order. The only thing I knew on the menu were the nachos... And lord only knew what the hell Spanish rice was. To say the least my first taste of authentic Mexican food was played safe with an order of nachos.

A couple years later I tried the same restaurant again this time determined to try something different. I got a chicken chimichanga with a red sauce that was so delicious! On the side there was a salad, beans and some Spanish rice. little to say the least I had no f-ing clue what the hell Spanish rice was. Being Asian I frowned upon anything that was not plain white sticky rice. so I stuck to eating the beans, which were delicious and covered in melted cheese.

However by the end of the meal some of the beans had stuck to the rice... What was I to do? The beans were so good I didn't want to waste any of it. But how was I suppose to eat this rice that was not plain. In the end my obsession with food out weighed my silly stuck up ways about rice and I ate the beans that were stuck to the rice. And what do you know... It tasted beyond delicious. It was literally a food orgasm in my mouth. I quickly ate the rest of the rice, no longer oblivious to the goodness that was Spanish rice.

When I entered college I ended up eating a lot of Taco Bell, which I know isn't authentic Mexican food, but it would put me in the mood for good Mexican food. I would always think, gosh I can't wait to eat some real Mexican food. I'd wait and wait to go to my favorite restaurant and I just never ended up going. So of course I find out it closed down the second a strong Mexican food craving comes crashing down around me.

Ever since then I would have a craving for some Mexican food, but it really was for the Spanish rice and beans. I mean who can resist the fluffy rice, the toasted flavor that the rice had, the spices of the peppers and the tang of the tomatoes. Also when put together with the beans it creates one of the most spectacular combinations in the world. It's like in that moment nothing could go wrong, food wise, and I can't help but do a little happy dance as I work through a plate of good rice and beans.

But having my mexican restaurant closed it was like WTF! It was like being stranded in the middle of the ocean, where there was literally no Mexican food. Which come to think about it, Hawaii is exactly like that. But I suppose I'm being a tad dramatic. But I mean come on! Where else was I suppose to go for my Mexican food? Thank god for the Internet because lord only knows where all the other Mexican restaurants are hiding. They are never in a good spot for me to aquire food. I mean they always seem to be in the most incovinient locations ever. Like behind gas stations, or on the side of a random stretch of road with the shittiest little parking lot ever.

But I got to thinking, I love cooking, makes sense right since I love to eat, I decided hey I should try to make my own Spanish rice. And you know what, I totally did. Not only did I make my own Spanish rice, I made my own chicken to make chicken enchiladas, and chicken burritos. and guess what it tasted so good. It hit all the right taste buds for that orgasm in my mouth... That's right I went there... again. It was so amazingly good I had to share it with everyone.

I shared with my brother, with my parents, with my aunty, and then I took the rest of it to a friend's house where it was promptly devoured. The best thing was all of the food tasted even better the next day. The chicken had soaked in more of the sauce, the rice was more fluffy and the over all food-gasm was way better than the last. And now that it's all gone I have make more... But knowing me I'll probably just sit here whining about how much I want some Mexican food.

Back to square one.