Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Diagonal Cutting and Bendy Straws. Are These Signs of Food OCD?

Recently, like 10 minutes ago, I think I've come to realize some of my ridiculous habits. Some would say they aren't just cute little habits, but actual factual unhealthy obsessive tendencies. Okay I don't really know how actual factual they are, but they seem pretty legit to me. And they aren't even practical things like how to wash dishes,or how I fold my laundry, because I hate folding my laundry, and I will put off folding my laundry, most of the times until I wear said article of clothing. They are things like how I like to cut my sandwiches and how I like to drink my drinks.

I mean really, how practical is it that I physically can not bring my self to cut my sandwich down the center. I mean quite literally today I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich and I thought to myself, hey try something new and cut your sandwich down the center. Come on, you can do it. Maybe the sandwich will taste better this way, or maybe it won't even matter. And right as I was about to cut it down the center I physically couldn't bring my self to cut the damn sandwich and ended up just cutting my grill cheese diagonally. How much of a freak am I where I can only cut my sandwich diagonally? Don't answer that. It's almost to the point where if someone gave me a sandwich that was cut down the center I am less inclined to eat it.

Also today I realized that I enjoy drinks much more if I'm drinking it with a straw. Now don't get me wrong I am an absolute drink monster. What ever drink you put in front of me, be it water, juice, coffee, milk, whatevers, I drink it all up and then some. No matter how thirsty I am, or how not thirsty I am, I constantly drink from my glass or cup. and then if I run out of drink I'll start eatting the ice. However, if you put a straw in that drink, I am on it like a barnacle to a humpback whale. My drink is drunk at least ten times faster than normal, and that's pretry quick. I mean drinks taste so much better when you drink with a straw. There is just something about a straw where it instantly makes my drink more enjoyable.

And don't even get me started about bendy straws. I mean the bendy straws make drinking beverages even MORE fun, if that's even a thing. I suck up my drink like a crazy drinking vacuum, and there is no possible way anyone could refill my drink fast enough when I'm drinking with a bendy straw.

Now that I think about it, there are very specific ways I like to eat my food too. Not just the cutting of my sandwiches, but like in what order I eat things. For example if I have a plate of chicken salad, I will cut up most of my chicken into bit sized pieces before I even start eatting. Or if I have a waffle or pancake, I'll cut it into fourths then cut up one section of the waffle or pancake into bit sized pieces and then start to consume my food. Also, it is almost impossible for me to have a vanilla milkshake with out a side order of french fries. I mean there is a very specific way I like to eat my food and there is no possible way I can eat my food any other way.

In my 10 minute realization I think that I've come to realize I can be absolutely ridiculous, and perhaps somewhat psychotic when it comes to random shit like this. I mean I know everyone has their qurks, but honestly, how freaky am I? You know what don't answer that one either, I think I know how much of a freak I am already. and I know some of you are thinking come on these are clear signs of OCD, but like I said earlier, I don't even folding laundry sometimes so clearly I do not have OCD.

Maybe I have some kind of weird type of food OCD.

*sigh* story of my life.

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